Marlborough Property Investors' Association

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Archive: February 2016

$2.9 million boost for Waikato HNZ homes

Increased spending on maintenance by Housing New Zealand’s is making its Waikato properties better places to live, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says
27-02-2016 more >>

The Salvation Army's 2016 State of the nation report released today

This report is called "Moving Targets" and has a section on housing.
25-02-2016 more >>

Christchurch housing on track for full recovery

The Government’s wide-ranging support for Christchurch has ensured the city’s housing market is nearing recovery five years on from the Canterbury earthquakes, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett and Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith said today
22-02-2016 more >>

Insulation tax deductions

Due to insulation becoming compulsory in July, the NZPIF believe that the cost of the insulation should be tax deductible. To confirm this, last year the NZPIF requested clarification from the IRD.
22-02-2016 more >>

Tony Alexander looks at what will influence house prices in the future

The question he asks is what things cause house prices to fall and are any of these things likely in the near future?
19-02-2016 more >>

John B Gray is the speaker

John Gray is a senior registered architect
17-02-2016 more >>

Creating duplicate members by mistake

When updating a member/membership, could we have a warning button that says "wait! did you really want to add this, as there is already an existing member/membership with this name.
11-02-2016 more >>

Adding a Change Request Completed column with date

Can we have a Completed column on the Change Request page so we know when the change requests have been actioned. Date of completed change will signify action done.
11-02-2016 more >>

Auckland drops, the rest rise.

Jonno Ingerson, Director of Research at Corelogic NZ Ltd, says that Auckland values have dropped in the last month according to the latest QV house price index. Values in areas near Auckland continue to increase strongly while further South, things are a little patchier.
10-02-2016 more >>

Results: 1-9 of 9