Marlborough Property Investors' Association

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ComCom chasing bigger fish after dodgy Invercargill property scheme

The Commerce Commission is chasing bigger fish in Auckland after it successfully prosecuted CMA Property Investments over its role in a property scheme in Invercargill which mislead people into believing they were buying their own homes.
19-11-2009 more >>

Property indicator continues to exude energy

The housing market continued to gain in momentum, adding to the positive numbers seen in the previous two months, according to the latest Mike Pero Mortgages/Infometrics Property Cycle Indicator.
18-11-2009 more >>

Property finders likely to cause a few headaches for REAA

Property finders, the people who match properties to potential investors, may cause the newly-active Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) a few headaches in the coming months, with some confusion over whether or not they will need to be licensed under the new regime.
17-11-2009 more >>

Harcourts pushes auctions as favoured selling strategy

Harcourts latest figures show the good volume of written sales that occurred across the country in October was not matched by the traditional upsurge in new listings normally seen in spring.
16-11-2009 more >>

Confidence in housing remains high: ASB survey

New Zealanders are still optimistic about the state of the housing market, according to an ASB survey.
16-11-2009 more >>

Cowboys targeting leaky home owners

Leaky home owners are being warned to watch out for cowboys looking to make a quick buck from over-priced repair work, says the NZ Building Industry Federation.
13-11-2009 more >>

REINZ residential highlights - October 2009

The latest statistics from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) show a buoyant property market.
13-11-2009 more >>

House prices hit 10-year high amid declining sales numbers

New Zealand house prices hit a 10-year high for the month of October amid a decline in the volume of sales as fewer properties are put on the market.
13-11-2009 more >>

RBNZ wants tax changes as property demand lifts

The Reserve Bank has renewed its plea for changes to the tax system to help out the economy on to a more even keel and reduce risks to the financial system.
12-11-2009 more >>

Prices to continue upwards for some time yet

House prices are set to rise for "some time yet", with price inflation heading for double-digits by mid-2010, although the dream run may be relatively short-lived.
12-11-2009 more >>

Return to riskier mortgage lending a dangerous game

Easing lending criteria and higher loan-to-value ratios could potentially see the country return to a debt-fuelled housing cycle and dampen the recovery seen thus far, warns Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard.
11-11-2009 more >>

Call for govt to step in with mortgagee sales

The government is being called on to purchase the properties of home owners who default on their mortgages in a bid to save them from being forced into mortgagee sale.
10-11-2009 more >>

Detailed analysis of Select Committee recommendations re RTA Amendment Bill

The Select Committee reported to Parliament on September 29 and made a number of recommendations for changes to the RTA Amendment Bill. Cliff Seque has analysed these changes.
09-11-2009 more >>

Property values turn positive - finally

Property values were finally in positive territory for October and are above the same time last year, according to QV's latest figures.
09-11-2009 more >>

Residential highlights - October

Property values are increasing throughout the country. Find out how the main centres are faring.
09-11-2009 more >>

Rules tightening around mortgagee sales

The government is changing the law to make it more difficult for property investors in trouble to arrange "de facto" mortgagee sales and avoid paying GST owed.
06-11-2009 more >>

Confidence in property returning

Property is still considered the best investment option in the current market, despite its appeal taking a hit over the past three months, according to the latest ASB Investor Confidence survey.
06-11-2009 more >>

Auckland house prices reach 22-month high, sales rise

Auckland house prices reached a 22-month high in October and the volume of sales rose from a year earlier, suggesting a revival in confidence in property is encouraging both buyers and sellers.
04-11-2009 more >>

Lukewarm response to home loan top-ups

Only $1.6 million of the Government's allocated $18.4 million to help modest income-earners buy houses in expensive places has been taken up.
04-11-2009 more >>

IRD ramps up investigations yet again

Investors whose property transactions may have been a little over-vigorous during the boom will not be able to relax because the boom is over.
03-11-2009 more >>


TAX WORKING GROUP – CGT, Land Tax & RFRM During the month (2 October), the Tax Working Group released a set of background papers proposing three new possible taxes on rental properties and property investors – to generate more revenue for the Government.
30-10-2009 more >>

Concerns for ageing home owners

More needs to be done to address the growing concerns of an ageing group of home owners who will likely dominate the market in years to come, according to the Centre for Housing Research.
30-10-2009 more >>

Building consents climb for third straight month

New residential building consents climbed for a third straight month as a resurgent housing market stoked construction activity amid strong demand for property.
30-10-2009 more >>

OCR unchanged, rates not to fall further

Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard kept the official cash rate unchanged at a record low 2.5%, as expected, and dropped wording in his statement that rates could fall further, stoking speculation borrowing costs will rise sooner as the economy recovers.
29-10-2009 more >>

Buy by negotiation, sell by auction

Auctions may be a good strategy for selling property in this market, but investors buying say they're a pain.
28-10-2009 more >>

Results: 1,826-1,850 of 2,395