Marlborough Property Investors' Association

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Marlborough News

National commits to cutting building red tape

National will cut back on the excessive red tape in the building industry and instead drive quality by encouraging warranties, better standards and improved skills, says National’s Building and Construction spokesman, Nick Smith.
11-09-2008 more >>

ASB joins in - three banks cut rates in wake of shock Bollard move

Three banks have now moved to cut mortgage rates, after Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard this morning surprised the market with an aggressive 0.5 per cent cut in the official cash rate.
11-09-2008 more >>

Government sitting on $5.7 m in unclaimed rent bonds

Landlords and tenants have left $5.7 million in unclaimed bonds with a Government department
09-09-2008 more >>

QV residential highlights

Quotable Value's August residential statistics are out now. Check out what is happening in your area
08-09-2008 more >>

Real estate reforms include $100,000 compo for rip-offs

Sweeping new real estate reforms were passed by Parliament last night, bringing in a consumer-friendly era for house buyers and sellers.
06-09-2008 more >>

Landlord group's code sets high standards

landlords have developed their own set of rules, barring them from renting dirty places, telling lies or making racists remarks to tenants
05-09-2008 more >>

OCR cut will provide new focus

Financial markets and commentators expect to see a further cut in the official cash rate of interest next week. The Reserve Bank is due to announce its latest decision on the rate on Thursday 11 September.
05-09-2008 more >>

New houses selling for half Auckland price

An Auckland developer is building new houses for $299,000 aiming to draw first-home owners.
03-09-2008 more >>

Tenancy information now available in CD format

The Department of Building and Housing has just launched a new CDROM giving landlords important advice and information.
31-08-2008 more >>

All predictions tracking downward

The mortgage market has gone quiet over the past week with few changes in rates.
29-08-2008 more >>

Thomas Chin reports on various issues in August

The report covers Housing Affordability, Lawyers and Conveyancers Act, Housing Policies of the Kiwi Party, National Party, NZ First and Green Party, the Housing NZ Appeal against the Tenancy Tribunal decision and a table of legislation.
29-08-2008 more >>

President's August report

Positive response to Code from media. Rental market slow around country. MPs appreciative of NZPIF input to RTA Bill. Recent visits to PIAs.
28-08-2008 more >>

Slump hits loan staff

The Bank of New Zealand is proposing to make more than half its mobile mortgage managers redundant in the face of the continuing property slump
25-08-2008 more >>

Mortgagee sales spark feeding frenzy

Home investors and buyers are in a frenzy over an estimated five-fold increase in mortgagee sales in the last year, but bargain hunters are set to be disappointed.
25-08-2008 more >>

A question of supply and demand

The feature article in the August 20 ANZ Property Focus replies to a commentator who believed the ANZ economists were not taking basic economic laws sufficiently into account
22-08-2008 more >>

Home loan report: Tweaking continues

Lenders are continuing to tweak their rates downwards as they react to the cut last month in New Zealand's official rate of interest and look forward to further falls.
22-08-2008 more >>

Catch a falling knife? A good time to buy a house people tell housing survey

More people think house prices will keep falling - yet a growing number also think it's a good time to buy one, according to new housing confidence survey.
19-08-2008 more >>

National has sympathy for owners but no promises

National is making noises about Government help to the owners of leaky buildings, but is unlikely to meet local government demands to pay a big share of the repair bills
18-08-2008 more >>

Lower interest rates improving home loan affordability

It's now easier for average New Zealanders to afford their own house than it has been for 18 months.
18-08-2008 more >>

Forced sales double

A growing number of homeowners and property investors are being forced by their bank or finance companies to sell their properties through a mortgagee sale
18-08-2008 more >>

Mortgage scam victims speak out

A nutritionist, mortgage broker, real estate agent and office receptionist told how they were all victims of the mortgage scam run from a Mt Albert real estate office.
14-08-2008 more >>

Fragile market

New Zealand's first reduction in official interest rates for five years has delivered some cuts to mortgage rates. But some rates have gone up, underlining the fragile state of the mortgage market.
08-08-2008 more >>

Accidental landlords flooding the market

Auckland rents are tumbling as disappointed vendors pull their houses off the market and flood the city with flats.
07-08-2008 more >>

Estate agents back in demand with sellers

Cautious vendors are more likely to enlist a professional real estate agent to sell thier properties in the prsent housing market rather than sell it themselves, a study finds
05-08-2008 more >>

The Political & Regulatory Report

TAXATION (International Taxation, Life Insurance, & Remedial Matters) Bill The Tax Bill was introduced to Parliament on 23 July.
05-08-2008 more >>

Results: 2,176-2,200 of 2,395